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Writer's pictureKia Carthran

Welcome Back, Social Life

Recently I've been talking about having multiple businesses, a paycheck job, and….. A social life.


Yeah, I said it! A SOCIAL LIFE.

Your social life is usually the first thing that most entrepreneurs ditch. But why?

Because it becomes easier to tell your loved ones how busy you are than to carve out time to spend with them. In your mind, carving out time to NOT work means you’re losing money. You’re already exhausted from doing all the things, you’re too tired to spend time with your loved ones.

Yes, being an entrepreneur means making sacrifices. BUT! It doesn't mean giving up all the things that make you happy as a person. I told someone the other day that I am not a reflection of my business, but my business is a reflection of me. What does that even mean?

I'm in control, not my business. I love what I do. But it will not control my life!

So let's talk about it. Here are blank ways to get your social life back and find a good business and social life balance.

Tip #1 - Schedule time to socialize.

Do you remember the daily schedule I gave you FOR FREE? Download it now and schedule social time. Even if it's just talking to your best friend for 30 minutes. If we can't naturally make time for things then we need to schedule them and stick to our schedule. That breather of social time can open the doors to more creativity and a better mood when we’re working on your business.

Tip #2 - Say YES!

A lot of times we set these inflexible boundaries for ourselves because we want to focus on our business. Then when our loved ones ask us to go places that we legitimately enjoy or simply ask us for time, we sacrifice a good time for our business. I understand the idea of a “failed” business can leave you with paralyzing fear. I don't want my business to fail either. But if someone asks me if I want to go to Texas Roadhouse and my business is in order:

*Stuffing bread in my face*

*Ordering steak meal*

*Gets food and eats two pieces of steak and a fork full of mash*

*Asks for a to-go box and more bread to go*

Tip #3 - Outsource.

If you have made the determination that you absolutely, positively have no time for a social life, then it may be time to pass off some of your tasks to someone else. There are so many freelancers like Virtual Engagements (*cough, cough*) that understand that you need time back for your loved ones. My mission is to allow you to enjoy the joys of owning your business and that includes giving you back time to spend with your loved ones.

The last thing that you want to do is drown yourself in work. Remember “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

You’ve seen it many times before. The hard-working businesswoman makes it to the top and there’s no one there. The hardworking businessman becomes obsessed with his business and misses huge milestones in his family’s life. I don’t want this to be you. I understand how it feels to drown in work and miss important moments. That’s why I decided to take my social life back!

Welcome your social life back!

Schedule a call with Virtual Engagements now!

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