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Writer's pictureKia Carthran

Our Dear Friend, Overworked.

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

Let's talk about the art of overworking yourself.

Sadly but surely, I believe we all know this topic way too well. Whether you have just started your business, a new career, or even a new paycheck job. Maybe you just signed that client you've been wanting. Maybe you have always been a workhorse. Either way, you are working harder than you've ever worked before.

BUT! There is a fine line between hard work and overwork. You can usually tell when you transition by the way you feel.

Story Time: Yesterday I was working on a project. I said to myself “I'm going to work on this for a little bit, then I'm going to go take food out for dinner and clean the kitchen. THEN, I'm going to come back to it for a little bit, maybe an hour or so. After that, I’ll take another break to clean the rest of the house, shower, and relax a little bit. Because I’ve been working hard! I deserve to cop a squat and watch some TV! I’ve been working three jobs between all the projects I have going on and my regular 9 to 5. Yes, that's right girl! Take a break!”

The next day I felt fatigued, tired, and had a sense of under accomplishment. I finished the project. So why do I feel like this?

Hello overworking, my old friend!

Fancy seeing you again.

I’m sorry I can’t let you stay.

Now I’ll send you back on your way.

Coming from a person who had perfected the craft of overworking and re-programmed her mind to change, here are some tips to avoid overworking yourself.

Work smarter, not harder.

This is the truest statement. It starts with your to-do list. If you have it read my to-do list blog head over there now! And get the worksheet to help you organize your to-do list. Organizing is a way to work smarter!

Working smarter involves organizing your life in a way that allows you to have more time for important events and tasks. So you take on the projects and tasks that are absolutely, positively necessary to do while automating your processes and systems and increasing workflow and productivity. The fun part is when you're working smart although you are not working more, you are getting more done. It’s a WIN-WIN!

Make a schedule for yourself with breaks.

Go further and TAKE YOUR SCHEDULED BREAKS! Start off scheduling one day at a time. Then gradually move to a week.

Have you ever wondered why huge corporations make you take a lunch break, even though they don't have to in some states? They want you at your best so you can work better for them. They want you to be a well-oiled machine and if you don't get breaks they know you'll be on the fritz. So you are your boss, and your boss says take a lunch break, and take quick 15 to 30-minute breaks in between as well.

Watch a show.


Set a timer and scroll through TikTok.

Take a nap.

Have a coffee.

Go on a walk.

Play with your dog.

Talk to your spouse.

Do something else to take your mind off of work temporarily. When you go back you may find that you have reset your mind and your creativity is now at an all-time high.

Prioritize your life.

This is a subject that deserves its own blog. Oftentimes we don't realize that we are putting work before everything else in our lives. I understand. You don't want your business to fail. You don't want to lose that client. If you don't do it, who else will?

Do me a favor. Go ask your spouse, your children, or anybody you are closest with, have I been present in your life lately? If the answer is “no”, “a little”, “you are always on that computer or phone”, or anything other than yes, it's time to rethink some priorities.

Life is precious, but it's also timed. We don't have infinite time with the people that we love. So make sure you are giving them the time they deserve and prioritizing them over work, that way you don't overwork.

While I understand it's not simple, be sure to pace yourself and be kind to yourself. Overworking yourself is not being kind, and you deserve kindness, self-love, and a successful business!

Visit to learn more about outsourcing your projects and tasks to avoid overworking!

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